Customised Ear Plugs
At LHC we are able to take moulds & provide custom ear plugs, swimming plugs & sound filter plugs. The impression appointment will only take about 15 minutes and we send you your desired ear plugs within 7-10 days.
We suggest that patients with a perforated ear drum wear swimming plugs while swimming/washing their hair in order to avoid dirty water getting into the middle ear cavity.
Customised Swim Plugs
After Grommet insertion one needs to be careful to avoid the risk of water contamination of the middle ear, as this could result in infection with subsequent discharge. Water protection is therefore worth consideration for the time the grommets remain in place.
Care with water is particularly an issue with soapy water, and protection at bath time is recommended. Swimming is less likely to be an issue, but if your child is on the ‘wild side’ in the water then protecting the ears is advisable.
Options for water protection include cotton wool smeared with Vaseline, or generic swim plugs (available in chemists or sports shops), both of which must be worn with a swim cap. Alternatively, customised swim plugs can be made, and will fit your child’s ears perfectly.
Although these are considerably more expensive, customised swim plugs avoid the need for wearing a swim cap and are more secure. They offer a soft, comfortable fit and float in the water. Children may choose from a range of different colours, and a glitter option is also available. For easy identification of left and right, it is advisable to have a different colour for each ear. The swim plugs can also be fitted with a cord that attaches one plug to the other for safety.
To make the swim plugs we take an impression mould of your child’s ear. This is then sent for processing into a durable plastic swim plug. Within 3-4 months new plugs can be made from the existing impressions, but after this time the shape of the impression changes and new moulds need to be taken.
Customised Noise Plugs
Solid multi-purpose noise plugs are suitable for a high noise environment. The design is made from silicone materials to provide maximum protection. Filtered noise plugs are designed for low levels of noise exposure in a variety of different noisy environments. The noise plugs act to attenuate the noise as a function of frequency depending on the filter option selected.
There are many varieties of filter available covering a range from low to high attenuation. Harmful levels of noise are filtered out while ambient noise and speech remain clearly audible.
Other uses for customized plugs:
Outer ear infections
Some patients who have a tendency to develop recurrent outer ear infections may also be helped with hypoallergenic plugs.
Noise disturbance
The ear plugs can also be made of material to reduce noise and this can be helpful for partners troubled by snoring.
How to Insert
Position the longer part of the swim plug near the opening of the ear, and the top part of the swim plug underneath the crease above the opening.
Hold the swim plug at the back with your finger and thumb. Push the swim plug into place, ensuring it moves into the opening of the ear and the crease above at the same time.
If you need to, pull the ear lobe out and push on the swim plug to ensure it is firmly inside the ear. When the swim plug is in place correctly it should look like this.
If the upper part of the earmould is sticking out like this it is not in place correctly.
If the new plugs do not fit they will be replaced free of charge. The cost of the swim plugs are as follows:
1 swim plug: £70
1 set: £120
2 sets: £140
3 sets: £185
4 sets: £210
£150 - £500 per set
Please note that insurance companies do not cover the costs of swim plugs.